Photo Shoots

I’m working on a book! It’s about living an artful, soul-full creative life. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time….I’m making my way through the first drafts of all the essays, and doing photo shoots every month.

Such an interesting journey!  The photo shoots are fun, but exhausting! (I’m never quiet prepared “enough”….)  Somehow it’s just run, run, run, the whole time: we could use another of these, how about some of that? do you have a this or a that? What do you think about this?   But I love it.  By the end of the day, having tackled several set ups I’m thrilled that my dream is coming to life.  I am crafting it piece by piece and making my vision a reality.

Here we are in the kitchen, shooting some Christmas Baking.My wonderful friend and photographer, Kathy, is such a great partner for this project.

What more could one ask for?